Kobo is the global number two player in the e-Reader industry. The company has done a very good job over the years with international expansion and selling their devices in a retail setting. This allows customers to play around with the units before they buy them, this is something that Amazon h...
PocketBook is one of the three largest e-reader manufacturers based on E Ink technology in the world.
The Pocketbook InkPad color is a brand new 7.8 inch e-reader. This device is perfect for reading comics, ebooks, magazines and newspapers.
The InkPad Color features an E INK Carta HD and E INK...
Amazon Fire HD 10 (2021) –More than just an affordable content consumption device
An already good entertainment device finally gets productive.
The 2021 editions of the Fire HD 10 tablet continue to offer a lot of bang for your buck, with large HD screens, more RAM, and even wireless...
Here comes the new design case for your tablet—–Samsung galaxy tab S6 lite, S7, A7, and iPad.
It will be a perfect compansion of your tablet.
This case combines the soft TPU shell with built-in pencil holder with origami stand style.It allows you view in vertical and horizontal lev...
From news reported, the newest Samsung galaxy tab S7 FE and Galaxy tab A7 Lite is coming in June 2021.
Galaxy Tab S7 FE is all about giving customers the features they love at an affordable price.
It is built with a large 12.4-inch display, perfect for taking entertainment, productivity, mu...
Since the ipad pro is arguably regarded the best tablet outright.
Now Samsung did Tab S7 plus to make as the best Android tablet pretty much ever first. Let’s compare them on features.
First, Tab S7 plus comes with the adaptive fast charger. It does have support for forty f...
1. Difference 1: Different connection methods.
Bluetooth keyboard: wireless transmission through the Bluetooth protocol, Bluetooth communication within the effective range (within 10m).
Wireless keyboard: Transmit the input information to a special receiver via infrared or radio waves.
2. Differe...
2021 new ipad pro 11 and 12.9 inch are available to buy at the half of May.
The Apple said : The ultimate iPad experience . Now with breathrough M1 permance, a breathtaking XDR display, and blazing-fast 5G wireless.
Believe you are excisted to get it .
Have you prepare all for your new ipad p...
New case for BOOX nova 3 color ereader
More and more people prefer to read ebook on the ereader. It is convenient to read a lot of books in this slim ereader. No worry to carry too heavy paper books, which takes more space and money. Now BOOX ereader is one of the most favorite ereaders. I...
From foreign news revealed, Samsung galaxy tab A7 Lite 8.7 inch will release recently.
The model number SM-T225 SM-T220.
It is 8.7 inch with ultra thin machine body. With USB-C connector. That size is favorite size, and convenient to operate by one hand.
Now the slim and lightweight protective c...
The best choice for your ipad
When you get a new pad, you should prepare some accessories that must be essential.
The most important is a protective case.
Your ipad is so expensive that you should protect it as honey .It will company with you day and night. So we should cherish and protect him or...
Will tablet market grow in this new year ?
Since the epidemic of this year, both mobile office and students’ online teaching have been extremely popular. The boundary of office learning scene has been gradually blurred, and the working environment is no longer limited to office, home, cof...